Maciej Majewski
Maciej Majewski specializes in intellectual property law, competition law and civil law.
He is the author of the academic articles “Kartel i jego uczestnik w rozumieniu ustawy o roszczeniach o naprawienie szkody wyrządzonej przez naruszenie prawa konkurencji” for iKar [Cartels and Participants of Cartels in the meaning of the Act on Claims for Compensation for Damage caused by Breach of Competition Law, iKar] and “Sprzedaż produktów o losowej zawartości, w tym tzw. loot boxes. Zjawisko i jego podobieństwo do urządzania gier hazardowych” [Selling Products with Random Content, including ‘Loot Boxes. This Trend and its Similarity to Organizing Games of Chance] in Konteksty Społeczne [Social Contexts]. Maciej graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University and is currently studying for the bar. He is also studying for a Ph.D. at the Department of Civil Law of the Jagiellonian University. Maciej’s master’s dissertation was on the problem of protection of investments made for information products, for which he was awarded prize in the fourteenth competition for the best academic paper on intellectual property organized by the Polish Patent Office. He is fluent in English (C2) and speaks German well. |