Krzysztof Wasilewski

Krzysztof Wasilewski specializes in intellectual property law, with a special emphasis on trademark law, industrial design law, industrial designs, and patent law. He represents Clients in proceedings before the European Union Intellectual Property Office, Polish Patent Office, and the World Intellectual Property Organization and also before administrative courts. At the Law Firm, he is on the Industrial Property Law Team.
He has held internships at an international law firm, the East-West Management Institute (under the Partners for the Financial Stability program) and a law firm in Kharkov, Ukraine (as a participant in the Chicago-Kent College of Law Overseas Training Program in Poland).
He is a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk and School of American Law run in cooperation with the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago-Kent College of Law. He is also a graduate of the IP School at the H. Grocjusz Centre for Intellectual Property Rights [Centrum Praw Własności Intelektualnej im. H. Grocjusza] in Krakow.
He is fluent in English.