Prof. INP PAN Grzegorz Sibiga, PhD, Habil.

Grzegorz Sibiga specializes in personal data protection and other matters of administrative law, including legal protection of information (secrets), access to public information, re-use of public sector information and data opening in the sector, and electronic administration. He advises on public administration proceedings. At our Law Firm, he manages a team dealing with the implementation and application of GDPR in over 100 organizations. He represents Clients in proceedings conducted by the President of the UODO and in proceedings before administrative courts.
Chairman of the SABI Scientific Council – The Association of Information Security Administrators. From 1 January 2021, he is a member of the Public Service Council to the Prime Minister for a four-year term. A former member of the Digitization Council and Information Technology Council for the minister competent for information technology, and vice-chairman of the GIODO Scientific Council (Inspector General for Personal Data Protection). He takes part in parliamentary work, including as a BAS expert of the Chancellery of the Sejm, on acts in administrative law, including protection of personal data, population records, ID cards, computerization in public entities, and access to public information. He is a founding member of SABI and the New Technologies Law Association (SPNT), and also a member of the Association for Public Administration Education (SEAP).
He participates in conferences and training schemes in his areas of specialization, including in cyclical events, such as the annual conference of the C.H.Beck Publishing House on personal data protection, the Congress of Data Protection Officers, the ADO/IOD Forum, the Forum of BIP Coordinators, Editors and Administrators, and in Personal Data Protection Days. He is a member of program councils of scientific and industry journals, including Prawo Mediów Elektronicznych (Electronic Media Law), Informacje w administracji publicznej (Information in public administration), ABI Expert, and IT w Administracji (IT in Administration).
He is the author, co-author and editor of over 100 academic publications on his areas of specialization, as well as the author of numerous popular science titles. He was given a personal recommendation in The Legal 500 in the category of Data privacy and data protection, and in 2020 he was awarded the President of UODO Michał Serzycki annual prize “For promoting the value of personal data protection and privacy law”.
He is head of the Administrative Law Department at the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (ILS PAS), a member of the College of Directors, and head of Postgraduate Studies on “Performing the function of a data protection officer” at ILS PAS. He lectures at the Kozminski University and other institutions.
He speaks English.