Mr Paweł Podrecki has been nominated an associate professor in the Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences

26 Sep 2017

Professor in the Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Paweł Podrecki, PhD, hab. specialises in intellectual property law, competition law, new technologies law and civil law. He is an attorney-at-law and a senior partner in the Traple Konarski Podrecki i Wspólnicy law firm. He is a member of the Competition Law Association and of the Industrial Property Law Association, and an arbitrator for the Court of Arbitration for Internet Domains. He participates in drafting legislation and prepared expert opinions for the Polish Sejm and Senate. He works with the Civil Law Codification Commission and the Copyright Commission. He gives lectures and seminars on civil law, industrial property law, competition protection law, and unfair competition law at the Jagiellonian University. He authored a number of scientific publications, including monographs:  “Prawo Internetu” (The Law of the Internet) and “Środki ochrony praw własności intelektualnej” (Means of protecting intellectual property rights). He is a co-author of many chapters in the Private Law System in the volumes on Competition law and Industrial property law.

Paweł Podrecki has been repeatedly recommended in Polish and international rankings of lawyers specialising in intellectual property law and competition law (including Chambers Europe, Chambers Global, WTR1000, Legal 500, Rzeczpospolita).

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