Żaneta Zemła-Pacud, PhD
Dr Zemła-Pacud deals with intellectual property and pharmaceutical law. Her academic interests also include protection of commercial secrets and regulatory data. Dr Zemła-Pacud advises Polish and foreign companies on innovation protection strategy, and provides opinions on cross-border IP and life science issues. She also conducts lectures, briefings, and training for business, patent attorneys, and the judiciary.
She plays a role in drafting legislation by providing opinions on legislative proposals. She also acts as a consultant to the Polish Patent Office and the WIPO. She is a founding member of the interdisciplinary academic network IP in Agriculture, a member of ATRIP, a GRUR foreign correspondent, and head of the research project Regulatory Data Protection in European IP Law Dr Zemła-Pacud has authored a number of publications on intellectual property law and life sciences innovation, including Komentarza do Ustawy – prawo własności przemysłowej (co-author), the monograph Patents as an Incentive to Innovation (co-editor), and the monograph Ochrona patentowa produktów leczniczych.
She was awarded a scholarship at the Munich Max Institute for Innovation and Competition and the Strasbourg Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies.
She is an assistant professor at the Institute of Law Studies at the Polish Academy of Sciences.
She speaks English and German fluently.