Chambers Global 2017
We are delighted to announce that Professor Elżbieta Traple, PhD has been individually recognised in Chambers Global 2017 (Band 1) and has once again been named one of the top IP experts in Poland. Also Mr Paweł Podrecki, PhD, has been individually recognised (Band 3) in the same category.
Traple Konarski Podrecki i Wspólnicy as a firm ranked second in the IP category (Band 2).
Full results are available on the Chambers Global 2017 website.
We are happy to announce that Traple Konarski Podrecki i Wspólnicy Law Firm was once again presented in the silver band of the prestigious World Trademark Review 1000 – The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals 2017, which means that our Law Firm is considered to be one of the best Polish trademark practices.
Paweł Podrecki, PhD was listed as a recommended expert.
The results of the ranking are available on the WTR 1000 website.
Success Before the CJEU
On 25 January 2017 the CJEU issued a judgment in case C‑367/15 concerning the compatibility of the provision of the Polish law on copyright and related rights which allows lump sum damages for infringement of copyrights in the amount corresponding to twice the appropriate licence fee.
The CJEU judgment was issued in reply to a question referred by the Polish Supreme Court for a preliminary ruling in the action filed by the Polish Filmmakers Association (SFP), which was represented, both in national proceedings and before the CJEU, by our partners: Professor Elżbieta Traple and Wojciech Kulis (Attorney-at-Law). In line with the position presented by the SFP representatives, the provision of Article 79(1)(3)(b) of the Act of 4 February 1994 – Law on copyright and related rights was considered compatible with Article 13 of Directive 2004/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the enforcement of intellectual property rights. What is interesting in that case, the position of the CJEU was significantly different than the opinion presented by the Advocate General.
As regards the model of claims for infringement of copyrights, this is undoubtedly a significant judgment, not only for Poland, but also for the other Member States of the European Union which allows claims for damages as a lump sum.
We also recommend the article “Copyrights: After All Pirates Will Pay Twice as Much” with a commentary by Wojciech Kulis, Attorney-at-Law, published today by Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.
The CJEU judgment is available here.
Our Firms Joins the BPCC
We have the pleasure to inform you that in January 2017 Traple Konarski Podrecki i Wspólnicy became a member of the British Polish Chamber of Commerce.
The BPCC was established in 1992 to support economic co-operation between Poland and the United Kingdom.
The mission and primary aim of the British Polish Chamber of Commerce is to network business partners by taking promotional and marketing activities and to host prestigious events to foster economic and cultural relationships between Poland and the United Kingdom.
BPCC website.
We have the pleasure to announce that Traple Konarski Podrecki & Wspólnicy became a member of ASPIRE at the beginning of December 2016.
ASPIRE represents companies from the IT and advanced business services sector and is the largest organisation representing organisations from that industry in Poland, with more than 150 members, mainly from Krakow.
The complete list of ASPIRE members is available here.
As every year, one month before the official announcement of the results, the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily and the Wolters Kluwer publishing house, as the organisers of the contest, published an alphabetical list of thirty finalists.
We are pleased to announce that Zbigniew Pinkalski, PhD, Legal Advisor is one of this year’s finalists of the Rising Stars – Leaders of Tomorrow contest.
Apart from age, the contest criteria included creativity and ability to spot new market trends, knowledge, ability to juggle professional career with scientific work, pro bono or social activities, as well as personal success and other achievements. The list of finalists is available on the website of the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily.
The name of the winner will be announced at a gala which will take place in mid November in Warsaw.
Congratulations and good luck at the next stage.
On 6 June 2016, the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science of the University of Warsaw hosted the prize award ceremony in Paweł Stępka Competition.
We are very pleased to announce that “Legal protection of television formats” by Zbigniew Pinkalski, Ph.D., published by Wydawnictwo Wolters Kluwer S.A., was awarded as the best scientific and popular scientific publication.
This was the fifth time the National Broadcasting Council and the University of Warsaw have awarded prizes for the best scientific work and publication in the field of electronic media.
For more information, visit
Traple Konarski Podrecki i Wspólnicy law firm member of International Trademark Association (INTA)
We are very pleased to announce that Traple Konarski Podrecki i Wspólnicy law firm has become a member of the International Trademark Association (INTA).
INTA is the world’s largest association of trademark owners and specialists in intellectual property law, established to promote the protection of the rights of consumers and trademark owners.
Currently, INTA brings together more than 6,700 organisations from 190 countries.
We are pleased to announce that the Traple Konarski Podrecki i Wspólnicy Law Firm and its experts were once again recognised in the Chambers Europe 2016 ranking published on 25 April 2016.
The Law Firm has been ranked Band 1 in the area of TMT, and Band 2 in the area of intellectual property law.
The recommended lawyers include:
- in the area of intellectual property law – Elżbieta Traple (Band 1) and Paweł Podrecki, PhD, hab. (Band 3)
- in the area of TMT – Xawery Konarski (Band 1)
- in the area of competition law/antitrust law – Paweł Podrecki, PhD, hab. (Band 2)
The Rzeczpospolita daily once again recommends Traple Konarski Podrecki i Wspólnicy Law Firm and its experts
We are pleased to announce that Traple Konarski i Wspólnicy Law Firm was recognised in the ranking of law firms published by the Rzeczpospolita daily on 19 April 2016.
Traple Konarski i Wspólnicy Law Firm was once again hailed as the leader of the “Intellectual property, industrial property and copyright law” category, and the second-best law firm in the “Technology media telecommunications” (TMT) category.
The following lawyers were recognised for their individual achievements:
- Elżbieta Traple – leader in the “Intellectual property, industrial property and copyright law” category
- Xawery Konarski – recommended in the “Technology media telecommunications” (TMT) category, and the “Intellectual property, industrial property and copyright law” category
- Paweł Podrecki, PhD, hab. – recommended in the “Intellectual property, industrial property and copyright law” category
The Law Firm has held the leading position in the “Intellectual property, industrial property and copyright law” category since 2010.
On 28 January, the results of the first edition of the Polityka Insight Ranking of Regulatory Law Firms.
We are pleased to announce that the Traple Konarski Podrecki i Wspólnicy law firm was ranked second among law firms providing services in the field of telecommunications law.
The Ranking of Regulatory Law Firms concerns firms involved in regulatory guidance, that is related to the public business law enforced by the authorities such as the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK), the Energy Regulatory Office (URE) or the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF). Law firms were evaluated in five areas of regulatory law – banking law, energy law, competition law, telecommunications law, and pharmaceutical law.
The analysts of Polityka Insight were the first in Poland to come up with the results on the basis of qualitative data. The total score for the analysed regulatory areas of the law consisted of four components with equal weight: comprehensiveness of services, perception in the industry, perception among clients, and average Anglo-Saxon ranking (Chambers Europe and Legal 500).
Compliance Regional Meeting of the Antitrust Commission in Poland at the International Chamber of Commerce
The Polish document contains a set of tools to help develop, implement and execute an effective antitrust compliance programme in a company. The following people gave their speeches at the meeting:
- Waldemark Jurasz, Director of the Representation Office of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection in Krakow, legal advisor; Wojciech Kowalewski, Chairman of the Antitrust Commission at ICC Poland;
- Paweł Podrecki, PhD, hab., ordinary member of the ICC;
- Andrzej Bednarczyk, legal advisor of Bednarczyk Łuczak i Wspólnicy law firm;
- Zbigniew Pilch and Dariusz Konieczny of the Association of Cement Producers;
- Aleksandra Dziurkowska, trainee legal advisor, and Katarzyna Wiese, trainee legal advisor of Traple Konarski Podrecki i Wspólnicy sp.j. law firm.
The speakers presented the contents of the ICC Toolkit for Developing Antitrust Programmes”, including, in particular, the issue of risk assessment, and gave practical advice regarding the development of compliance programmes.
The event was well attended by people interested in compliance programmes, who actively participated in the meeting. The Polish version of the ICC Toolkit for Developing Antitrust Programmes was made available during the conference. Also, the Polish version of a Short Guide to Antitrust Law for Medium and Small Enterprises was available for the first time.
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) represents the interests of global businesses before governments and international organisations. It also sets out the rules of international commercial transactions and engages in international commercial arbitration.
ICC was found in 1919 and is a non-governmental organisation which brings together thousands of enterprises and chambers of commerce and industry from more than 130 countries. The ICC is an association of autonomous and independent National Committees. Only the National Committees can delegate representatives to the global ICC board, other governing bodies of the ICC as well as codification commissions and the Court of Arbitration.
The Polish National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Poland) was appointed on 21 March 2000.