Postgraduate course on new technologies law
We are pleased to announce that enrollment has now begun for the third postgraduate course on new technologies law, run by the New Technologies Law Centre at the Polish Academy of Sciences Legal Studies Institute.
The curriculum includes:
- intellectual property and technology protection issues (in particular IT agreements, the internet of things, and AI, and regulation of know-how);
- strategies for protecting inventions in the IT and biotechnology sector;
- issues concerning e-commerce and digital economy agreements, such as electronic payments and public procurement;
- competition and consumer protection;
- electronic media law;
- legal protection of information and cybersecurity.
This third course of this kind will feature six topic areas, thirty lecturers from top institutions of higher education, and distinguished experts in many fields related to new technologies, in particular implementation of AI and IOT systems – specialists and practitioners from the largest businesses and law firms. The course will take place remotely (online), with some classes given in hybrid form, depending on the epidemic conditions.
You are truly welcome!